
Step 1

Check out my About Me page and get to know me and my skills.

Step 2

Check out the Services I offer. If you have questions about what service will best achieve your hair goals, you can fill out my New Guest Form and I will help you.

Step 3

Book an appointment!

If you submitted a form, you will receive an email with the services recommended to achieve your hair goals. In that email you will also receive my booking link so you can view my availability and book the time and day that works best for you!

*Be sure to check your spam folder!

The pre-visit

  • If you filled out a form, expect to hear from me within 12-24 hours with the next steps

  • You will receive a a service recommendation with my booking link so you can view my availability and pick the day and time that works best for you.

  • Once booked, you will receive your welcome packet detailing salon address, cancellation/redo policies, etc.

the New Guest Experience

the appointment

  • Consultation to begin building the roadmap to your hair goals

  • Go over your hair’s history and current hair routine

  • Perform the service

  • Go over aftercare and maintenance

The Post-Visit

  • You will receive an email within 24 hours going over your first appointment and our plan

  • You will receive your product recommendations and shopping link for them

  • Aftercare instructions